Group Leader
Group Leader
back in January 2020, I was on maternity leave, and Jeff was a SAHP working on renovating our house, with my hearing impairment believe it or not i actually struggled with social situations and attending baby groups.
Don't get me wrong, Dursley has some amazing baby groups, I've attended many with my first, though I found they were a bit more of a challenge to attend, for a variety of reasons once my second came along- anyone with a close age gap I'm sure will agree.. but besides the coping with 2 children - with my hearing loss, sitting in a circle of a large group was one of my biggest nightmares as I could not follow a word anyone said!
my biggest issue was the starting times, by the time we arrived my little ones were fast asleep in the pram or by the time we left they would fall asleep at a time that upset their routine.
I couldn't stay at home as the house was a building site, so I decided to look at the next best thing- setting up a toddler group myself, that would offer a more relaxed approach and feel to it, in a warm and inviting space, somewhere where it didn't matter where I was in the room, I could still see my child- and drink a hot drink!
So there we have it, Woodfield tots was born, attended by Mums, Dads, grandparents and childminders, carers alike, these days our group is run just by me, with the support of some good friends, with thanks to the donations of some kind parents at the start providing us with both toys and books, we have been able to make it what it is today.
We hope you come to love it as much as we do!
Beth x